1) Declare variables
Private m_sngAnchorLeft As Single
Private m_sngAnchorTop As Single
Private m_blnSetAnchor As Boolean
2) Paste the below code in the Activate event of the userform
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
If Me.Visible Then
If Not m_blnSetAnchor Then
m_sngAnchorLeft = Me.Left
m_sngAnchorTop = Me.Top
m_blnSetAnchor = True
End If
End If
End Sub
3) Paste the below code in the Deactivate event of the userform
Private Sub UserForm_Deactivate()
m_blnSetAnchor = False
End Sub
4) Paste the below code in the Layout event of the userform
Private Sub UserForm_Layout()
If m_blnSetAnchor Then
Me.Left = m_sngAnchorLeft
Me.Top = m_sngAnchorTop
End If
End Sub
Note: All the above codes should be used